Saturday, October 25, 2008

She Could Be Our President!


  1. what a great laugh... until you want to curl up in the corner and cry... incredible.

  2. Jeez, I thought that she was being goofed on. Then when in reality she really said that. what a goof. All joking aside,I think the American people know this and the republicans will lose by a landslide. Although, can you imagine, George W was voted in twice. Hawk

  3. She could be your president, but like Hawk said, can it get any worse than George W? The guy can't even speak in complete sentences. And he was voted in twice. WTF USA?

  4. That's the best we got to be potential leaders of our country?
    No wonder we're in trouble, er make that deep shit.

  5. Listening to the propaganda machine about any subject is dangerous. As traders we should know better than anyone else that reality is much different than the ideas and spin espoused on the networks. Imagine basing your trading strategy on the fools at CNBC and Jim Cramer! Why should we trust their portrayal of anything?

  6. She's so fine. I vote that she needs to "take it off" "take it off"

  7. She must be related to Miss Teen USA 2007 South Carolina
