Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thanks For The VOTES!!!

Guys. Keep voting as to where you think the DOW Jones will hit the ultimate bottom. 8500 seems like a popular answer but "it's all going to hell" seems to gaining popularity. guys, keep voting!!!!!!! thank you !!!!!!


  1. stewie, i bet your spending another sleeples night watching this carnage. I think we break the lows of 02. Who's gonna buy, there is'nt anybody. maybe the government?the only thing that will turn this around is if I short the shit out of this market.
    that will be the only thing that will cause it to turn. whatever I do usually the opposite friday i do the patriotic thing . short the market. Bill

  2. my vote in "it's all going to hell" was originally meant as a joke ...

  3. bill. let us know when you start shorting aggressively. lol.

    brian: my vote was 7500 and i was just trying to be nice.

  4. Stewie, bounce today??? I have a feeling it could happen! I got killed yesterday shorting the dollar! I thought for sure we were gonna have a strong day yesterday!

  5. hard to gauge and predict where the forced selling will end. You just have to wait till it stops.
