Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Video 2: Update On Inverse Funds


  1. don't believe the FLAT BALL rallies!

    nice vid!

  2. hahahaha! BOTD, this could be a new trading term!

  3. Hello Stewie ! I wanted you to know that I appreciate your videos. Thank you for sharing your insight. Please continue to post. Thanks so much, JIM : )

  4. Nice vids, thanks!

    You might look into using viddler.com instead of youtube.com to get clearer video. Youtube sucks for these types of videos.

  5. Thanks for the video and great analysis, Stewie. You saved me money!! I got nearly shaken out of SDS on Monday.

    The sound is fine in this one. Unfortunately, the charts didn't fit in fully (couldn't see the symbol and MACD).

    Again, thanks.

  6. Great job on the vids Stewie! One critique. I think the input level on your mic is too high. Go into windows -> control panel -> sound and turn the record level down by half.

  7. Great video! Please keep them coming. As phantasmix mentioned, the MACD is blocked off in the youtube video and unfortunately could not see what you were talking about with the slow/fast lines.


  8. Getting better with the videos Stewie, nice job. I think if you turn on autopanning in Camstudio it will follow your cursor when you move it down to the MACD.

    Just a heads up for everyone watching it on YouTube, if you enter "&fmt=18" after the video URL and hit refresh, you will be able to watch the video in a higher definition. It is quite noticeable.

  9. Thanks for the vid post.

    Dan T.

  10. guys! thanks for the critiquing. the more you critique me and tell me what you want, the better off we are and the better the videos will likely get. also, appreciate all the tips.

    thank you!!

  11. Thanks for the video.

    The videos are great. When I look at your charts, I sorta get an idea of what you're thinking/looking at and when you explain it, it's like a Ah-Ha moment. Good stuff.

    Side note: Do you have any books you recommend reading on T.A. and any others in your library?

  12. Thanks, Stewie!
    The vids add a new dynamic to your blog that keep it fresh. It's also nice to hear you explain the charts 'as you think'. And remember KISS, Keep It Short and Simple, like this video was.

  13. sorry about the MACD part guys. the video didn;t pick up that part of thechart. i will post another video and show exactly what i meant by the separation of the fast and slow lines.
