Monday, March 30, 2009

FAZ Setting Up A Reversal


  1. FAZ looks like it could trade to $30 in the next few days. Some decent volume last few days

  2. Another nice call Stewie>>>I'm buying more callers on SOLR...acting very well given the market. Also buying HL Jun 2.50 callers. All the dollar printing is going to lead to a dollar crash in my opinion....soon

  3. Goldman & Morgan Stanley (GS + MS) also topped with SMA200 line touch, basically lookss alike some short of bear A wave diagonal as well with oscillators falling....


    Market Geometry

  4. Darwin> SOLR has been incredibly strong during this mini correction. Let's see one the market rallies again what it will do.

    MIka: i am expecting at least a short term bounce tmrw. i have a gut feeling the bulls got some ammo left.
