Friday, April 3, 2009

Trades Taken This Week In The Alerts Service

Trades This Week

long TNA @16.3 stopped out at break even (day trade)

Long ERX at 23.12 Sold at 24.08 = +4.1% (ONH)

Short UNP at 40.35 Cover at 40.45. break even (day trade)

Long FSLR at 139.5 Stopped out at 136 = -2.5% (day trade)

Long TNA at 16.45 SOLD at 17.1 = +4% (day trade)

Long JPM at 26 sold at 27.7 = +6.5% (day trade)

long JPM at 26 Sold 29.53 = +13.6% (ONH)

Long SKF at 86.45 Stopped out at 85 = - 1.8% (Day Trade)

Long QID at 43.18 Stopped out at 42.8 = -0.8% (day trade)

long SRS at 47.7 Stopped out at 45 = -5.6% (day trade)

Long TNA at 21 Sold at 21.72 = +3.4% (day trade)

Long TNA at 21 STILL OPEN (swing trade)


  1. Hey Stewie,

    Can you recommend any good trading books?

  2. i really liked Bo yoder's 'optimize your trading edge'.

    also, for pure technical trading and unique ways of looking at charting and setups: try: Alan farley 'MAster swing trader'.

  3. can u have the trade log in xls or table format. makes for easy reading and analysis.

  4. Funny you're trading TNA. Guess which stock I shorted on Wed. and held through Thurs. open? The one I emailed you about..


  5. TNA is great for day trading but just like most 2X and 3X etfs when you carry overnight, make it's done with small size.

  6. I still have my TNA. What should I do?
