Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Soccer Madness!

Soccer has been grabbing some very negative headlines lately! It is still the beautiful game in my eyes. Always will be!


  1. What do you think about the charts on: YGE JASO GBX TRE SWC

  2. anything to say about Thierry Henry?

  3. well, i love theiry henry as player but what he did was NOT a classy or shows good sporting behavior. I would hate to win a game by cheating how he did. That's why i demand a rematch between france and ireland!! this would one of the most viewed game in soccer history, I GUARANTEE IT! and it will be a BATTLE!! REMATCH REMATCH REMATCH!!

  4. stock fiend:

    JASO is a dead money...avoid.

    YGE looks decent and could jump some more.

    GBX: as long as it says above 10. still a healthy stock.

    TRE: looks like a bull flag right now and as long as it stays above 3.4, i like it as a long.

    SWC: look real good and as long as it stays above 8, this stock is a LONG trade.

    good luck.

  5. Awesome thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm long on JASO YGE and TRE right now so we'll see what happens. Tre started to break to the upside at the close on Friday so i'm happy about that. Good luck to you.
