Tuesday, February 16, 2010

High Probability Setup

Here is a setup i deem to have a high chance of moving higher from here and could be good swing trade candidate. This pattern is extremely bullish in my eyes and i think could see new highs in the days to come. Keep track of this one.


  1. Hi Stewie,

    Do you know a website where I can find morning gap ups/downs prior to the open?

  2. other than the terrible fundamentals and lack of volume... high probability indeed.

  3. anon 1: try briefing.com

    every morning they issues stocks that are gapping up and down.

  4. anon 2:

    CLNE is not a stock i am familiar with but the technical pattern still looks decent to me. thru out this entire rally we have seen tons of garbage stocks rally big! who's know?!
