maybe one more decline to really set up this pattern. 780-770 level needs to be watched closely.
I rarely ever use margin when trading. Money management on these trading alerts is totally up to you but i urge you to be smart and wise as to how you allocate money to ALL your trades. I personally like to use small positions this way i remain unemotional and think rationally thru out the trade. Once you start to take gorilla sized trades you are setting yourself up for failure, no doubt in my mind. Don't be greedy! Once you feel more confident in your timing, risk management and trading in general then you can increase your size.
I have been trading full time for 6 years now and i have tremendous respect for the market.
You will learn to be that way once you get your teeth and head knocked in a few times. I am much smaller than the market and i must abide by it's rules day in and day out or else i will be gobbled up and no one will even notice or care. You must respect the power of the markets you trade in.
Regular visitors of this blog and folks who traded with me on Wallstreak.com know how i trade and have seen my trading calls and have seen how i managed thru the worst bear seen in decades (in real time for the most part).
I have subscribed to many newsletters in my past and i know very well what traders wanna see. They WANT QUALITY INFORMATION & ANALYSIS that they can trade from!! At the same time, I WANT TO SEE ALL my subscribers do well or feel like their trading is taking a turn for the better.
How Much Will This Service Set you Back?
All this will cost you a mere $50 a month. I am trying to give a reasonable price that i think everyone can afford. $50 is the price of the commission on some trades!!!
Payment will be done thru Paypal.
This service is now active! So if you think this will be of use to your trading goals, THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!
That summerizes what i have in the pipeline, I am sure tons more stuff will come whilst teaching.
All this will be LIVE and REAL TIME and communication will be done on AOL Instant Messenger and MSN Instant messenger.
I will be at your service from 6AM to 2Pm west coast time or (9Am-5Pm east coast time). Will be small breaks in between these times but you will be notified.
I will allow up to a 30 minute phone call per day with each student.
I will give BUY or SELL recommendations in real time on trades you are watching.
I will call out potential good entries on trades, stops and will give constant feedback as where i think market prices might be headed.
I DO NOT trade everyday so please do not expect me to call out trades every day. I hate to force something that is not there.
Anyone who is serious about their trading should consider taking this step. There is no doubt in my mind that you will grow as a trader after completing this program.
I DO NOT guarantee you will be a Trading Heavy Weight once you are done with this program but i am confident that you will be BETTER, MORE SKILLFUL and MORE CONFIDENT in your abilities which will hopefully open the potentail to make better trades and make more money(I legally cannot guarantee that obviously). I am also convinced that this program will TAKE YEARS out of your learning process and we all know the learning process means money lost, which is something i had to do on my own and it took me a good ten years; subscribing to dozens and dozens of newsletters and reading tons of trading material, books, blogs and attending seminars etc. The learning process is THE TOUGHEST PART OF TRADING. MOST traders don't last long enough to get thru this very vital step. MY GOAL WITH THIS PROGRAM IS TO SHORTEN THIS STEP FOR YOU. I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! As many of you already know, I LOVE HELPING traders! Why? Because i know this is a tough gig and i never ever had help and it's my way of paying back but if you do it right, this gig could be the most rewarding thing you do!
This program will take out YEARS off your learning process. I am confident of that.
Regular visitors of this blog and folks who traded with me on Wallstreak know how i trade and have seen my trading calls(many outrageous) and have seen how i managed thru the worst bear we have seen in decades. 2008 was my best year trading and it's because of the skills I plan to teach and this is what I am excited about!
What Is A Fair Price?
I decided that I have to charge what i think is a fair cost for me and the student. It took me years of hard work and dedication to get to where i am today. I lost tons of money during the learning process and this in my opinion is the price that you pay in the school of hard knocks. I knew it and i accepted it. I never had a mentor to show me the ropes, I did it all ALONE unfortunately. That's why it took me for damn long to finally get it right.
Do i wish i did it differently? HELL YEAH!!!!! Without question! I wish I had a good mentor that held my hand an took me under his wing. I would have paid $5000 easily if the mentor was a good one and helped shorten that vicious learning curve.
I am offering this one month mentorship program where i will attempt to teach you everything i know for $795. Sounds like a big amount, right? NO WAY! This is NOT a big amount if you can only think about how much money your learning curve will cost you if you skipped this step. Believe me, if i had to do this trading journey all over again, I would do it thru a mentor, no question in my mind! I would want a mentor who truly wants to see me grow as a trader however. I WANT to be part of your transition process from an average struggling trader to someone with skills, confidence, discipline and lasting power.
I will not be able to accept more than 6 students at any given month. This will simply be too much for me to handle and it would not be fair to the student who will require a lot of attention. I will accept the first ones that reply to me at traderstewie@yahoo.com
First come, first serve! You better email me quick because based on the emails i have been receiving over the past few weeks, these classes will fill up quick!
Anybody that comes after that will just have to wait till the following month.
Paypal will be setup on my blog soon!
First class begins April 1st and will run til April 30th.
Invest in yourself and it could be the best trade you have ever done!
I will only feel like this mentorship program has succeeded if YOU FEEL LIKE A MUCH BETTER and MORE SKILLFUL TRADER to tackle these markets with confidence!
I WANT YOU TO WIN pure and simple!!!
Are you ready for the TRANSITION PROCESS? Then Email me NOW!
Important Notice - Risk Disclaimer: Stocks trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any stock trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.