It's a beautiful 80 degree sunny day in portland oregon. A rarity here! Got inspired to fire up a steak 'indoor' this afternoon. Got me a 1 lb aged perfectly marbled New York cut steak of beef, a bottle of red zinfandel and a serious appetite!
1lb new york cut beef
1lb asparagus tips
Some new red potatoes
Garlic cloves
Red chili pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt & fresh cracked black peppercorns
Garlic powder
2 Cast Iron Pans (A MUST for cooking steaks!!)
Maggi chicken bouillons(the most under rated ingredient ever!!)
1-2 bottles of red wine
(i used Dancing Bull zinfandel out of Cali: disclaimer: my choice of wine today does not necessarily reflect my views on the market but it could be a hint :-)) And a serious appetite for some A DAMN DELICIOUS MEAL!!!! Invite the ladies cause THEY WILL BE IMPRESSED!!! Trust me!
Let the steak come to room temp. Rub it with sea salt, pepper and a small touch of garlic powder, let it soak in that flavor for 30 minutes.
Marinate potatoes and aspargus in olive oil, garlic powder, diced red chili pepper, pepper, sea salt, and maggi chicken bouillon.
preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- throw potatoes in one of the cast iron pans and let them oven roast for 30 minutes.
Preheat other cast iron pan on medium high heat on the stove top.
-Throw the steak on there and let her rip. Do not touch it for 3 min. Let it create that dark brown crunchy crust.
-flip it over and do the same on the other side. let her rip. Do not touch it for 3 min. It's gonna get smoky and it's gonna look dangerous but that's GOOD!
-Then throw the steak with the piping hot cast iron pan in the 425 degree oven and let that sucker roast!! This will add a dimension to the steak that will create a STEAK HOUSE LIKE look and taste to your steak! You don't believe me? Look at the pics!
Watch your fire alarm cause it WILL go off on you!
Let the steak roast in the same oven as the potatoes....then throw the asparagus on top of the potatoes(add the garlic cloves at this point) and them roast in that 425 degree oven. At this point all 3(steak, potatoes, and asparagus) are joining the party in the oven.
Let eveyone roast for 8-10 minutes. Potatoes should be fork tender and asparagus should be al dente at this point and steak should be about medium rare at this point. Kill the heat and remove everything out of the oven. Let the steak rest for 3-5 minutes!
Plate everything in an elegant manner, make sure the ladies get served first, pour more red wine into the glasses and E.N.J.O.Y!!!!!!
Thank me later! ;-)
p.s. This post is dedicated to the
ragin cagin!